4 Different Ways Women Can Utilize Personal Loans
Personal loans for women are easily accessible online. They present a world of opportunities for those looking to invest and also provide the much-needed relief during emergencies. Personal loans are low-interest, quick loans that require minimal paperwork and can be accessed online or through an app. Only Indian women over the age of 21 with a monthly source of income can apply for these loans. While there are little to no restrictions on what you can do with the money, this article shares 4 different ways you can use personal loans for women.
1. Business
According to recent statistics, more than 20% of MSMEs in India are run by women. MSMEs need liquid assets and online personal loans for ladies provide just that. Women can use the funds to expand their businesses, pay wages, and pay off debts using personal loans. Personal loans can be instrumental in helping women-run businesses grow and tackle uncertain times.
2. Postgraduate Courses
According to an article published in Scroll.in, women overshoot men by 0.6% when it comes to postgraduate courses. The percentage of women is rising in every sector of education. This includes the percentage of those with MBAs, which has increased by more than 10% in the last decade. Often, working women give up on the hope of fulfilling their dreams due to limited finances. Personal loans for women can assist in paying for higher education studies.
3. Medical Expenses
Medical expenses can be costly and when combined with the expenses of a pandemic, can be a heavy burden to bear. Pandemic medical expenses like masks, sanitizers, and covid tests are costly. On top of that, your hospitalization or that of a loved one can attract huge expenses. A personal loan for women can help you cover all such emergency expenses when necessary.
4. House Renovation
If you are looking to transform your living spaces by giving your home some renovation or new decor, a personal loan can help make everything possible. Personal loans can be used to buy or repair furniture, remodel the kitchen, buy new appliances, repaint your home, or repair roofing. There is no restriction to what you can do with a personal loan for women.
To Wrap Up
There are many personal loan companies in the market that provide loans up to ₹2 lakhs after KYC is complete. The loan amount can be broken into easy EMIs payable over 15 months or some other predetermined period. The documentation process when applying for personal loans for ladies is convenient and can be done by scanning documents on the phone. Search online for a leading provider of quick personal loans and get in touch to get more information.